Thursday 7 January 2010

I have no interest in what Radiohead are saying in their lyrics or what the extent of their emotions or misery might be. I am keen to extract pleasure from the guitars, electronics and arrangements, and make the whole thing meaningful by translating songs into my own world. paranoid android thus becomes a song about love.

Sunday 22 November 2009

Dear Life President,
One more thing pertaining to the flower-straightening slam: I would of course be very pleased and honoured to have my collision shared with other connoisseurs. In the meantime I am working on retroactively redefining the accident as a piece of performance art thus rescuing it from the cliche of the drunken driver and the hit and run yada yada.
As ever, your humble conn'sir
expat Andrew

Monday 12 October 2009

Marnix petulantly stood up from the tackle and shot his knee up though the opponent's chin, her head flying up ten metres into the air, a great gush of purple blood spouting from the stump.

Friday 9 October 2009

it was a poem like a dog whistle, too high-pitched for most ears; 4 members of the audience assumed the begging position.

graffiti climbed off the walls and waited on streetcorners, spitting

Thursday 8 October 2009


"I'll hop on my bike", says H, who needs to come to the office to discuss something. Oh -key doe -key, sez I, so you're gonna hop on your ...(i nearly said BROOMSTICK!!! and H is not remotely witch-like; very nice woman etc)

Hopping onto a bike / moped / horse is very tricky. HAVE YOU TRIED IT?

Monday 5 October 2009

K1 zoekt K3
een half-pipe voor een mier is superklein, jongen